


Fall of the Dollar 1913 Enter the International Bankers

Minister Louis Farrakhan: The International Bankers

How the U.S. Government destabilized foreign governments

How the U.S. Government destabilized foreign governments

By the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Last updated: Aug 9, 2010 - 9:30:35 PM

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[Editor's note: The following article is based on excerpts from an address delivered by Minister Farrakhan on July 22, 1985.]

America is losing friendship throughout the world. The Government of America is losing control of the country's institutions and losing power of her own mind. America is losing control of her world. In desperation, she feels that her guns, rockets, bombs and technology will keep her kingdom in power. However, more powerful kingdoms than America had to lay their burden down when the time came and America is no different. Neither her bombs, guns or technology will sustain this country. Time is declaring that America had better change or the end is upon her.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
America's loss of control is a sign of the decline of her world. This fall can be checked, if America would believe in the warnings given by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, coming through me, warnings that I am not saying of anything that is not written in the Bible that we should expect in this time.

This warning to America by Elijah Muhammad was delivered for over 40 years. America worked feverishly to destroy the Nation of Islam, Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Any voice that reminded America of her wickedness, she sought to destroy that voice. America wants to silence my voice. Jews want to silence my voice. Silly Black leaders want to silence my voice. But if you silence the voice of truth that shows you a mirror of yourself, how then can you change and save yourself?


There are 400,000 Blacks in the armed forces because the White man does not have any jobs for us, so he uses you and sends you to Germany and wherever they have trouble in the world. Grenada—What business do you have in Grenada? What business do you have in Africa fighting for America? What business do you have fighting for this wicked nation? No Black woman should send her son to the United States Armed Forces. No Black woman should make her child a servant of the United States Army, even if they threaten her with jail. American women; White women, Native American women, Asian women, stop and ask yourself what is the war all about? They will not tell you, even though they claim that they are making America and the world safe for Democracy. Some may say this position is anti-American, but what is totally anti-American is what the Government of the United States is doing to the American people, while the American people do not know anything about their wicked government.

America rejected Elijah Muhammad who was trying to show this country a mirror of her evil, and now the whole world is rising up saying the same thing to America. An edition of U.S. News and World Report has a picture with the article, “How the World Views America.” The picture depicts Uncle Sam as a Satan with red eyes and a tail on one side and a benevolent White man on the other, with the question: Which one is he? America is questioning why does the world view this country as a Satan or devil? What has America done?

The people of the world hate America because of America's policies. They do not hate the American people; they hate the American government. Is the American government a Satan or is it a benevolent Uncle Sam?

All over the world, the rash of terrorism is springing up. In a 1980 report on the subject of terrorism, the CIA defined terrorism as “the threat or use of violence for political purposes by individuals or groups whether acting for, or in opposition to, established governmental authority. When such actions are intended to shock or intimidate a target group wider than the immediate victims.”

Let us judge America by its own definition. America's policies in Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and Middle East are causing America to be hated by the peoples of the world. Is America hated because she is rich and powerful? Envy is a factor with the hatred from some of the European countries, but the poor nations are not envious of America. They understand why she is rich and why they are poor. Envy does not have anything to do with it.

What America thinks of the outside world or foreign policy is an extension of domestic policy; however America treats people within the country is the way she treats people abroad, because her foreign policy is an extension of her psyche, values and cultural upbringing. So, we can judge America's actions toward Africa by America's actions towards the sons and daughters of Africa.

What is America's policy towards Black people in this country? Don't give them a break. Cut back their jobs. Cut back their social programs. It can be said in one word: genocide. Kill the entire people. People are starving in Africa, but people are also starving in Mississippi, Alabama and even in Washington, D.C. They systematically killed all of the Black leaders that rose up. So, if they kill our leaders because they do not want us in America to have a leader, and we do not own any gold, uranium, diamonds, silver, copper, bauxite, fruits or timber; What Black people have in this country are large numbers that could be troublesome if the right voice unites us, so whenever that voice appears, they crush it out. And if they crush out our leaders here, what is their policy in Africa? What is their policy in Central and South America?

From documents gathered through the Freedom of Information Act, Harper's magazine published a list of covert actions initiated by the Government of the United States of America, through the CIA, without the knowledge of the American people, without debate in Congress and without any kind of appropriate response. These are foreign policies, not made even by presidents or senators. The real foreign policy, according to the scholars that have advised me, is made by multinational corporations of America. They determine foreign policy; and if they determine foreign policy, they also determine domestic policy.

In 1963, an attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro was unsuccessful. There are murderers in the White House. In the Dominican Republic, the U.S. organized a military coup to overthrow the government of Juan Bosch, which was successful. In 1963 in South Vietnam, the U.S. precipitated conditions leading to the assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem. In Ecuador, they overthrew the government of Carlos Julio Arosemena. In Iraq, they provided financial and military assistance to Mustafa Barzani to establish independent Kurdistan. In Chile, they provided $20 million to Eduardo Frei Montalva to defeat Salvador Allende in the elections and they were successful. In Uruguay, Peru, Brazil and Dominican Republic, they trained the police and intelligence personnel in assassination and interrogation techniques to help defeat opposition. They were unsuccessful.

In the Congo in 1964, they provided financial and military assistance to defeat the rebel forces loyal to Patrice Lumumba and they assassinated him. The people elected Patrice Lumumba, so his assassination makes it evident that U.S. policies directed against a leader does not have anything to do with democracy. In South Vietnam in 1964, the U.S. attempted to eliminate the Viet Cong infrastructure through more than 20,000 assassinations in an operation called the Phoenix program, and it was partially successful. These are murderers and butchers in the name of government.

In North Vietnam, the U.S. implemented a sabotage and ambush mission by U.S. Special Forces personnel and Nam tribesman. In Laos in 1965, the U.S. implemented sabotage and ambush missions called Operation Shining Brass, which was later renamed Prairie Fire. These are the names they give their wickedness. In Indonesia in 1965, the U.S. organized a propaganda campaign to overthrow the government of President Sukarno, who had organized the Bandung Conference that rejected all Europeans and united all the people of the planet. This campaign precipitated conditions that led to the massacre of more than half a million Indonesians. According to the Indonesians, they said it was nearly a million people that the CIA had killed in Indonesia.

In Chile, they organized a campaign of assassination, propaganda strikes and demonstrations to overthrow the government of Salvador Allende, leading to his assassination. In Angola, they provided military assistance to forces trying to defeat the popular movement for the liberation of Angola during the Angolan Civil War. The U.S. government was against the popular movement because the popular movement is for the good of the masses. The multinational bloodsuckers of poor people are the real culprits behind America's foreign policy.

In Jamaica, they organized a 1976 military coup to overthrow the government of Michael Manley. They supported three attempts to assassinate Prime Minister Manley, who was elected by the masses who loved him. But White America did not want him in leadership, so they tried to assassinate him three times and were unsuccessful. Later, they found another way to unseat him—through the International Monetary Fund.

In Grenada, they attempted to organize a coup to overthrow the government of Maurice Bishop in 1980. In Dominica, they provided financial support to Eugenia Charles in her bid to defeat Oliver Seraphine in elections. After the CIA brought her into power, it was then Eugenia Charles who stood by President Ronald Reagan and called for America's intervention into Grenada. It is White people setting up Black people for the good of White people against Black people. How did the U.S. government ensure the re-election of Eugenia Charles? They gave her money to pave the roads in Grenada, and so the multinational corporations continued to suck the blood of the masses of the people.

In Nicaragua, they recruited, trained and equipped anti-Sandinista forces for sabotage and terrorist insurgents into the country. In Suriname, the U.S. government was behind three attempts to overthrow the government of Colonel Desi Bouterse. In Guatemala, they organized a military coup to overthrow the government of Angel Anibal Guevara Rodriguez. In Chad, they provided military assistance to overthrow the government of Goukouni Oueddei. In Libya, the CIA orchestrated campaigns of economic pressure, propaganda and military maneuvers to destabilize the government of Muammar Gadhafi and assassinate him.

In Iran, the U.S. overthrew the government of Mohammad Mossadegh and placed the Shah of Iran on the throne so that multinational corporations could get the oil out of Iran at a cheaper price.


Ralph McGehee, author of “Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the CIA,” was stationed in Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam, working as a case officer on covert operations. Speaking with Senator Pat Moynihan, he said: “Mr. Chairman, I believe that CIA covert operations, whether paramilitary or not, have helped to destroy democracy around the world. By means of these operations, the CIA has replaced popular governments with brutal, murderous, U.S.-controlled military dictatorships that torture and kill their own citizens.

“So whether they involve paramilitary actions, political interventions, propaganda campaigns or other kinds of deceptions, covert operations are all designed to benefit U.S.-based multinational corporations that expropriate the national resources of so-called target countries. These operations hurt the Indigenous people and eventually Americans themselves.”

America's foreign policy toward Central America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America is a reflection of their own wickedness toward these peoples. America, like a giant serpent, has deceived the whole world.

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Aaron Russo talks with IRS Commissioner Sheldon Cohen


The Interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal


The Interview with
Harold Wallace Rosenthal

The following text is from a booklet called The Hidden Tyranny.

Harold Rosenthal was supposedly murdered for giving this interview in 1976 during which he boasted about how a group of Jews are manipulating the stupid and gullible Goyim.

As with the Protocols of Zion, many Jews claim that Rosenthal's interview is yet another hoax created by those mysterious and elusive anti-Semites.

However, as with the Protocols of Zion, what Rosenthal says seems to be true, so hoax or not, it is important to look at it.

Example: Rosenthal said "Your people don't have guts." Our cowardly friends, policemen, and neighbors are proof of that accusation! They run from 9/11 like children frightened of a dark room.

Other accurate remarks from Rosenthal:

Anytime truth comes forth which exposes us, we simply rally our forces — the ignorant Christians. They attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own families.

We virtually get away with murder, and all the goy do is to talk about it, which is ineffective since we, the masters of propaganda, always publish a contradicting account.


This booklet contains the text of a most revealing and shocking interview of a Jew by the name of Harold Rosenthal, which was conducted in 1976, by a concerned patriot, a Walter White, Jr.. Mr. Rosenthal, an influential Jew, learned in the Jewish ways and involved in the workings of government in Washington, D.C., explained the Jewish involvement and cause of the major problems we face today.

The Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith, a Zionist organization, claims the tapes are a forgery and offer as evidence that "White failed to explain why he would wait to first publish the booklet until 1978, [two] years after he had "spoken" with Rosenthal, who was killed by terrorists in 1976." As usual, the Zionists must reach beyond logic to attempt to dismiss revealing information about Talmudic Zionism



“Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Empire”

FROM Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog

“Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Empire”

James Petras: “Zionism, Militarism and the Decline

of US Empire”

Book Review

ISRAEL: Good for America?

Criticizing and exposing the powerful public role of American Zionism in shaping US policy in the Middle East is the biggest taboo in US politics. Politicians, academics, journalists, prelates and ordinary American citizens who publicly voice their dissent are targeted for political purges, denied academic tenure, and access to the mass media and scurrilously labeled as ‘anti-Semites’ by the Zionist power configuration.

Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power by James Petras challenges the claims of Zionist apologists who argue that the ‘Israel power configuration’ is just another lobby by empirically examining several major US policies. The case studies demonstrate conclusively that today issues of war and peace, trade and investment agreements by US, European, and Asian oil companies and banks in the Middle East, and multi-billion dollar arms sales are all subject to ZPC scrutiny and veto.

The new ‘broad definition’ of what affects Israel includes Lobby backing for Bush’s shredding of Constitutional restraints on his war powers. It is not merely regional expansion which ‘interests Israel’ but economic and military aid and sales—namely who determines what military goods the US can sell to Arab states as well as what high end military technology the US should provide to the world’s fourth biggest arms merchant, Israel (an arms export competitor)—the Zionist power configuration (ZPC) in the US Congress has blocked trade and sales to Saudi Arabia, despite the backing of the US oil and military-industrial sectors. Thanks to its influence in the mass media, the ZPC effectively delayed, degraded and then marginalized a long-awaited report by16 US national intelligence agencies on Iran’s non-military nuclear program in favor of dubious bellicose claims issued by the state of Israel.

Building on Petras’ highly successful earlier works on the subject—The Power of Israel in the United States (2006, 4th printing) and Rulers and Ruled in the US Empire: Bankers, Zionists, Militants (2007, 2nd printing), with foreign language editions appearing in Japanese (hardcover), Spanish, Arabic, German, Indonesian and Italian— Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power examines how domestic Zion-Con forces can make a drumbeat for a US war on Iran even possible, given the current overstretch of US forces and public disgust and distaste for the war in Iraq.

While it has been widely (and incorrectly) argued that the US war on Iraq was for Big Oil, only Zion-Con demands and Israeli interests can explain the current US moves against Iran—threats, infiltrations, naval blockades, US Treasury-imposed sanctions on the entire Iranian financial sector including threats to global finance for any linkages—policies which are contrary to the interests of Big Oil, US corporations, and the weakened US military. Petras empirically demonstrates that while the interests of the US do not in fact coincide with those of Israel, the effective power of the pro-Zionist Lobby gives Israel the capacity to replace the US agenda with its own.

He analyzes the ongoing Zion-Con confrontation with the only significant domestic counterforce that might protect the US from the Zion-Con push to war—not the moribund peace movement, not the obsequious Congress, Executive, nor the AIPAC-fawning presidential candidates—but, paradoxically, the US military, which is fighting back through its National Intelligence Estimate, and ongoing resignations and public warnings by top military brass. That the military’s success is far from assured in this confrontation with domestic Zionist elements acting on behalf of a foreign power is little short of astounding.

Israel’s military industries (which are central to its economy), the political leverage of the settler parties, religious fundamentalists and security apparatus, and the Israeli state’s dependence on multi-billion dollar handouts from the US treasury and wealthy Jewish militarist donors, mean that Israel is internally structurally incapable of accommodating normal peaceful relations with its neighbors. The rigid structural parameters of Israeli politics are transmitted via the Zionist Power Configuration into the basic contradictory reality in US-Israeli relations: a tiny ‘isolated, militarized, settler-controlled’ state blocking economic transactions of a globalized imperial economy by forcing it into disastrous military adventures and economic decline, with calamitous results for the world at large.

As a result, over time the ZPC in the United States has steadily broadened its definition of ‘the areas of interest for Israel’, and thus the issues on which it will intervene. During the 1940s to ‘50s, the main focus of the Lobby was to secure US diplomatic support for Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Its focus extended to Israel’s wars with Egypt and Syria in the 1960s and 1970s; to Lebanon and Iraq during the 1980s and 1990s; and to Iraq and Iran during the current decade, where Zionist interests now threaten what the IAEA’s Al-Baradei has termed a “conflagration”.

At a time when our national economy is in deep crisis, the Israel Lobby is pushing for a new military confrontation and war with Iran, oblivious to its catastrophic consequences for the American people. Major pro-Israel officials and politicians in Homeland Security, the National Security Council, the Congress and the White House are passing more police-state legislation to control and silence the growing majority opposition to the expansion of wars in the Middle East promoted by the Israel Lobby.

This book establishes why coming to grips with the impact of Israel and the Israel Lobby on US policy is so essential to bringing peace to the Middle East, restoring public freedoms in our country and taking back our right to decide not only US foreign policy, but our domestic policy as well, in the interests of the vast majority of the American people.

Clarity Press: Publisher on Global Issues, Human Rights, Social Justice and Ethnic Relations

Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power can be ordered from Clarity Press, Inc., Ste. 469, 3277 Roswell Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA. 30305.

The Psychology of Deception (Pt.2)

The Psychology of Deception (Pt.2)

By Harry R. Davidson, Ph.D.
-Guest Columnist- | Last updated: Oct 14, 2008 - 1:25:00 PM

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America is a capitalistic country, hence all of the political and social issues trace back to “profits for the power brokers.” There are no accidents. It is highly likely that the recent banking crisis is being strategically orchestrated consistent with a strategy that was devised in Europe during the 1700s and transferred to America during the 1800s.


Politicians and the corporately controlled media never ask questions that will lead you to the true motives of the elites. Why because they are �players.� �Players� who have a stake in the game? Every player knows not to talk about the �game� outside the �gaming room.� All of the players have the job of keeping you �thinking in the box.�

The strategies included creating wars and creating financial crisis to instill fear in the masses. The Civil War failed to create a proposed Central Bank. So After the Civil War, the “players” orchestrated contrived banking problems. The conspiratorial “players” used artificially created depressions, recessions and banking panics to gain mental control over the American people and economic control through a Central Bank. When a run on the banks was created, those elitist insiders who knew when the bank panic was going to occur, withdraw their money prior to the beginning of the panic. The insiders had enough cash to buy up properties and products cheaply and then go back into the market to sell capital goods at a higher price. In order to achieve a profit, capital goods have to be converted into money, the goods must be sold. The International Bankers offered a solution in the form of a permanent Central Bank, controlled by “the government.” Well, the government is supposed to be the people. But, in actuality the elite controlled the government and as a result they controlled the Central Bank.

Today, the elite realize that they are losing the unbridled control the Bush administration has leveraged under the guise of national security. Hence, they are pushing for the establishment of governmental financial centralization that is unregulated, publicly funded and privately controlled. This can be accomplished at a time when the eyes of America are deceptively focused on, what has been described as the most important election in America’s history?

Politicians and the corporately controlled media never ask questions that will lead you to the true motives of the elites. Why because they are “players.” “Players” who have a stake in the game? Every player knows not to talk about the “game” outside the “gaming room.” All of the players have the job of keeping you “thinking in the box.” What box? The Ballot Box. The problem is that Capitalism is a system whose function has little to do with personalities reflected at the Ballot Box. Keep in mind that key players in both the Democratic and the Republican administration have a history of involvement in economic scandals. Call it, “How to Make Money When The Economy is Broke.”

There is a reason why Sen. John McCain threatened to set aside the first debate with Sen. Obama and rushed back to Washington, D.C. Sen. McCain had more important work to do. Sen. McCain is a “Player.” His mission became convincing the Senate Committee to borrow 700 billion dollars to bail out the American banking industry. A figure that someone simply pulled out of the air. “I’ll bet 700 billion dollars.” Well, whose going to back the bet? The money will be borrowed from elite private investors. This will create a situation similar to loans that the International Monitory Fund have historically impoverished Africa and other third world countries with, countries whose resources are allocated to paying off their debt to the IMF.

The public/private merger of America’s economic structure will assure a healthy profit for the lending institutions elite shareholders. Even though the senators are supposed to represent the American people a condition of anonymity denies them the right to speak publicly—All the “Players” have a stake in the “Game.” And, “No Player is allowed to talk about the Game outside the Game room.”

The “players” goals are to use big government to concentrate and control wealth and to control the masses of people. “Fear” is injected into the masses of the American people, to assure control over them. Every speech that President Bush gives focuses on the fear of terrorists. It’s not because Bush is stupid. Repetitive speech is a psychoneural-linguistic technique designed to implant a message of fear in the publics minds. Likewise, every media release produces a classical condition reinforced emotional response to the pending doom associated with a looming economic crash. A perceived lack of economic security produces emotional insecurity, another form of psychologically conditioned fear that allows the masses to be controlled by the elite.

If today’s scenario follows the historic economic paradigm, the Democrats will take over and create jobs so that those goods that the elite have bought up can be sold. This is Capitalism. However, another possibility is a paradigm shift in which the American plantation will be abandoned for “greener pastures.” Don’t lose your focus. Prior to all of this America was busy talking about a “Global Economy” and “One World Government”, the outsourcing of American jobs, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Central American Free Trade Agreement, the European Union and other related economic movements. All of these things are still on the table. Could it be that America’s wealth is now being “outsourced?”

What we are witnessing is the creation of something extremely similar to the Central Bank. Realize that the American taxpayers’ money has already been privatized. Today, Americans are forced to contribute to the international banking cartel via the Internal Revenue Service. This money goes to the privately owned “Federal Reserve Banking System to pay back the trillions of dollars members of Congress borrowed for expenditures during the year. All of the income tax dollars collected by the Internal Revenue Service goes to the stockholders of the privately owned “Federal” Reserve” to run the Central Bank and reap profits from the working-class people. One hundred percent of the revenue collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal government loans.

The Federal Reserve’s stock holders are paid before any money is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their government. A “national debt” is created for which there is no money to pay. So, Congress must continue to borrow and to spend. The amount borrowed is part of the government’s deceptively creative bookkeeping called the “deficit.” Money from Income Tax goes to the Central Bank to pay what government has borrowed. Money also goes to the IMF, and is invested in endless wars. These are wars in which both sides are often supported by the IMF. Only the world’s privileged, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and other global elites can own stock in the Federal Reserve and the IMF. A more in-depth analysis can be obtained from my book and DVD “God Save America.” It can be ordered by sending $20 to PO BOX 11783, Raytown, MO 64138

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Presence of truth bringing Satan’s world to an end

Presence of truth bringing Satan’s world to an end

By Ashahed M. Muhammad
Assistant Editor | Last updated: Mar 19, 2009 - 11:21:00 AM

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The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

CHICAGO (FinalCall.com) - Speaking to a standing room only crowd at Mosque Maryam, the international headquarters of the Nation of Islam and and thousands more via webcast, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan continued his very serious message exposing the layers of deception and the hidden powers that shape world affairs in Part 2 of his Saviours’ Day 2009 address, “Accepting Responsibility to Build Our Community.”

The Minister explained that with influential tentacles reaching into the world of politics, economics, media and religion, Satanic forces of evil have corrupted all of the systems of the world making evil fair-seeming and turning people away from the path of God.

“Satan’s job is to deceive the whole world about a man that would come into to the world to end his world,” said Min. Farrakhan. “Satan has literally all but destroyed that clear path that was laid down by the prophets.”

Speaking to thousands viewing in approximately 120 cities across America and abroad via webcast, Min. Farrakhan pointed out that Satanic forces are fighting to remain in power.

“This is God’s earth; this is God’s universe, and all the riches that are in the earth are the Lord’s, but the institutions that are on the earth that were made by corrupt man, that is not God’s world. The nations of the earth are not God’s nations; the institutions are not God’s institutions,” said Min. Farrakhan, adding that Satan, manipulating the ignorance of the masses, has used mindless movies, strange shows on television and sexually explicit songs on radio to create a world more focused on material gain and popularity than the virtues of righteousness and moral correctness.

Min. Farrakhan said strong, courageous and knowledgeable spiritual teachers are needed to “exorcise demons.” Despite the fact that millions of people read the Bible and the Holy Qur’an, many are still deceived and many so-called spiritual leaders are afraid to challenge the powers of this world.

Crowd stands and applauds during Min. Farrakhan�s message on March 8 at Mosque Maryam. Photos: Kenneth Muhammad

Delving into the subject of the role of debt and the control of the international bankers, Min. Farrakhan pointed out that the international bankers in conjunction with “treasonous senators” in a meeting on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia gave birth to the Federal Reserve Act, which, on Dec. 23, 1913, passed Congress, giving international banking families the right to print money.

American debt went from $1.4 billion in 1913 to its current state of $65.5 trillion. America is so far in debt, that the entire amount owed is more than the combined cost of every house and building in the country. Foreign companies are buying buildings that have been paid for by the American taxpayers, the Minister said.

Min. Farrakhan gave historical examples demonstrating that U.S. presidents have been at the mercy of the international bankers. For example, Pres. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated after he refused to allow the bankers of America to loan him money to fight the Civil War. Mr. Lincoln chose instead to produce “greenbacks” which angered the international bankers. Min. Farrakhan also used the example of Pres. John F. Kennedy, the first Catholic U.S. president, who in 1963 signed an executive order taking away the power of the Federal Reserve to print money. He instead chose to place $4 billion into circulation backed by silver. Six months later, he was assassinated in Dallas.

“The international bankers must not be defied, because they run presidents and kings,” said Min. Farrakhan. “These wicked people, they don’t give a damn about you and me if you are going to interfere with their takeover of the world.”

For the first time, many listeners heard of plans to create a “North American Union” comprised of Mexico, Canada and the United States of America. There are also plans for the creation of a superhighway that would connect Mexico and Canada, and the creation of new money called the AMERO.

Min. Farrakhan also said that Afghanistan is now America’s “new Vietnam.”

Eager believers and guests filled Muhammad Mosque No. 45 in Houston, Texas to hear the message.

“He (Min. Farrakhan) came with such force today that I truly have to get off of my behind and do my part,” said 33-year-old Daniel Washington, who watched the webcast at the Nation of Islam’s Southwestern regional headquarters. “I truly understand now that Obama has put his life and the life of his family in danger to help this country. The least I could do is help clean up my neighborhood,” Mr. Washington added.

(Staff Writer Jesse Muhammad contributed to this report.)


The Conspiracy of the International Bankers

Power of Prophecy

Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Texe Marrs

CEO of World's Most Evil and Corrupt Bank, Goldman Sachs, Arrogantly Boasts

I'm Doing God's Work

"Wall Street is Washington, D.C., and Washington, D.C., is Wall Street."

Gerald Celente
Fox TV (June 21, 2009)

"The time has come for the world to move in a new direction. Our work must begin now."

President Barack Obama
Speech at United Nations
(Sept. 24, 2009)

"Number 85, Broad Street, in lower Manhattan (New York City) is where the money is. All of it." This was what The Sunday Times, one of Britain�s most prestigious and internationally known newspapers reported on November 9, 2009. The newspaper went on to say that this address is "the site of the best cash-making machine that global capitalism has ever produced." But, said the paper, the firm that operates out of this site is much more than only an economic Goliath, it is also "a political force more powerful than governments."

More powerful than governments? More powerful than 10 Downing Street, where Britain�s Prime Minister Gordon Brown resides, or 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, address of the White House and America�s President Barack Obama? More powerful than the Kremlin, the dark and mysterious abode of Russia�s Vladimir Putin?

Lloyd Blankfein
Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for Goldman Sachs, lackey for Lord Rothschild. Rothschild is cryptic holder of the title, "King of the Jews."
Yes, even those politically potent and easily recognizable addresses pale in comparison, for it is at 85 Broad Street where a very wealthy and influential man named Lloyd Blankfein works. Mr. Blankfein, a Jewish billionaire, is Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, the world�s premier bank and investment house. Mr. Blankfein, in turn, is the servant and deputy of yet another Jewish merchant prince. That would be Lord Rothschild, the fourth Baron of the Rothschild Dynasty.

"I�m Doing God�s Work"

Is it any wonder, then, that once, when asked about Goldman Sachs� incredibly lucrative and yet highly controversial actions in stirring the pot of global finance, Mr. Blankfein stunningly retorted, "I�m doing God�s work."

Indeed, he is doing "God�s Work;" that is, if we agree with the famed nineteenth century German Jewish writer and philosopher Heinrich Heine, who wryly observed, "Money is the god of the Jews, and Rothschild is his prophet."

The official records of ownership show that, while much of Goldman Sachs stock is owned by the public, a controlling share is in private hands, held by a consortium, or pool, of just 221 persons. The chief owner, however, is Lord Jacob Rothschild, and he and other Rothschild family members dominate the consortium which reigns over the planet�s most gigantic and powerful force, that of the Money Power. Goldman Sachs is its nucleus and tornadic eye and center.

Goldman Sachs and the Beast

What you are reading, dear friends, is perhaps the single most important investigative piece you will ever read. It has taken me many years to uncover the depth of the horror that this banking monstrosity represents. Goldman Sachs is nothing less than the directed energy weapon of the Beast of prophecy. Forget about the CFR, the TLC, the Bohemian Grove, and all the other secret societies and conspiratorial combines. They are like play putty in the palm of Goldman Sachs hand. And do not make the mistake of thinking that the politicians from Washington, D.C., London, Paris, Beijing, Tokyo, or Rome who make the daily news are anything other than minions and stooges for this corrupt and diabolical Money Power that sits affront the harbor of New York City and has operations in virtually every nation on earth.

15 Central Park West
Number 15 Central Park West, a building developed by Goldman Sachs, where Lloyd Blankfein and family reside. Blankfein paid $26 million in cash for his luxurious condo in this upscale condo complex.

My Video, "Rothschild�s Choice," Revealed Goldman Sachs Power

In my groundbreaking video documentary, Rothschild�s Choice: Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America (available in DVD Only), I reveal that Goldman Sachs is the chief instrument that Rothschild is using today to establish totalitarian control over global finances. The Money Power is now in the process of destructuring and molding America to resemble the pitiful Socialist creature that Rothschild prefers. Rothschild has both Barack Obama and John McCain among his stable of faithful servants, and it is Obama he chose to sit in the Oval Office and preside over America�s dissolution and restructuring.

Those in the know�and who have courage enough to say it aloud�see what is happening. The Sarah Palins, Mitt Romneys, even the Ron Pauls and Dennis Kucinichs dare not mention these things. Fox News, CNN, ABC, CBS, et al know they best keep their yaps shut. But Perry Rod, writing in Market Rap, a stock market advisory publication, wrote a remarkable article April 27, 2009, entitled, "Barack Obama: Another Captured Pawn of Goldman Sachs� Wall Street."

"It isn�t really a conspiracy or a criticism," Rod matter-of-factly reported, "It�s just a fact."

David Bromwich, Professor at Yale, put it another way. He remarks: "Barack Obama is Wall Street�s investment. We are a long way from John F. Kennedy."

A Pioneer of Treachery and Deceit

Strangely, even though Goldman Sachs was founded back in 1869 (an occult numerologically significant year), few outsiders had previously understood its great strength as the world�s unchallenged financial giant. In fact, it was Goldman Sachs that has pioneered financial treachery in many areas. The firm established the concept of "initial public offerings" (IPO) in 1906, in offering to the public the stock of Sears Roebuck and Company. Its Ponzi scheme shenanigans helped bring about the Stock Market Crash of 1929.

In 1970, Goldman Sachs was pivotal in the bankruptcy of the Penn Central Railroad. It masterminded the sale of stock of the Rockefeller Center, and in the 1980s, shepherded the conversion of the failed Soviet Union�s assets.

Thanks to Goldman Sachs� "privatization" scam, former KGB and Communist Party bigwigs�Jews, naturally�ended up with almost all the vast property holdings of the Kremlin. These Jewish oligarchs remain in control of Russia and the dissolved Empire�s most prized assets, including its valuable oil and gold reserves.

Bush and Obama Both Pawns of Goldman Sachs

Today, Goldman Sachs enjoys unbelievable power to manipulate and orchestrate world events. Barack Obama�s entire administration is at their disposal. Obama is not the only President whose knees bend at the mere mention or whisper of the vaunted Goldman Sachs name. George W. Bush did whatever his Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, told him to do. Paulson came to the White House from Goldman Sachs, where he once had Lloyd Blankfein�s job as CEO. Tim Geithner, Obama�s Secretary of the Treasury, as head of the New York Fed, took orders from Goldman Sachs. So, too, does Stephen Friedman, current Chairman of the New York Fed. Even President Bill Clinton was answerable to a Goldman Sachs overseer. His Secretary of the Treasury was Robert Rubin, a former Goldman Sachs executive.

Goldman Sachs, Warren Buffet, and Rothschild

Rothschild and Goldman Sachs have brought many other big-time stock market holders and political potentates into their web of control. In 2008, Berkshire Hathaway�s Warren Buffet, sometimes erroneously claimed to be "The Richest Man in the World," wisely ponied up to the bar with $10 billion, which he confidently invested in Goldman Sachs stock. California is also under Rothschild�s and Goldman�s thumbs. That state�s Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, was chosen for his gubernatorial position at the behest of Lord Rothschild. Meanwhile, as it turns out, California�s bonds collapse and its near-bankruptcy is at least partly attributable to the fact that Goldman Sachs sold the bonds short and precipitated the crisis.

More recently, it came out that the Euro currency�s near collapse was caused by the fact that Goldman Sachs had first sold the corrupt Greek government billions in worthless derivatives (called CDOs or credit swaps). Then, taking the other side, Goldman sold the same derivative holdings short. The firm thus made money both ways, while the people of Greece are now devastated.

Goldman Sachs Key Role in America�s Demise

But it is America where Goldman Sach�s diabolical stratagems for money production have most recently had the more crushing effect. Richard Teitelbaum, reporting on Bloomberg.com (February 23, 2010), disclosed secret documents in the possession of a House Committee proving that the world�s now-raging financial crash and credit crisis ensued as a result of toxic derivatives minted by Goldman Sachs. The mortgage and real estate meltdown came about after Goldman Sachs had marketed trillions of dollars of these worthless, ponzi-scheme investments around the world and then turned around and sold them short.

Now comes the eye-opening part of this whole deal: Once the meltdown was in full array, George W. Bush�s Goldman Sachs prot�g�e and Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson, arranged for Goldman Sachs to receive a staggering $200 billion in insurance from the crooked, failed AIG insurance corporation which the feds had just taken over, as compensation for alleged "lost revenue" due to the crash.

What a deal! Goldman Sachs made money both ways on a crash and then got paid by the government a whopping $200 billion for losses it didn�t even have!

But that�s not all. To further drive America and the whole world into financial destitution and despair, Goldman Sachs and a partner firm, Morgan Stanley, manipulated the price of oil futures, rocketing that key industry commodity to unequalled heights of $147 per barrel. With that, the whole world�s economies, already teetering because of Goldman�s CDO/derivatives scam, went "kaput...bam." It was all over.

At right: This black & white drawing by the artist whose name is inscribed, tells the tale. The U.S.A., its political establishment, and all its money is under the dominion of Rothschild�s premier operating investment bank, Goldman Sachs.
Godman Sachs $100
Goldman Sachs Tower
At left: The Goldman Sachs Tower reaches skyward as it sits along-side New York�s historic harbor. From its penthouse offices, executives were able to observe the 9/11 event, as the jet aircraft slammed into the Twin Towers, and the buildings crumbled to dust in a controlled implosion.

Much More to Come

Well, not quite over. Believe me, there is more to come. Much more. These criminal beasts are only beginning to flex their financial and political muscles. For one thing, there is the oil in Iran that they lust for, and the Big Brother Police State they�re determined to build, to fence in the few remaining resisters to their New World Order of the Ages.

Never in the annals of human history has there been a sinister juggernaut like the Money Power of Rothschild�s Goldman Sachs. Of course, if you try to expose its machinery of lawlessness, you�ll be labeled a "whacko" or a "conspiracy theorist," or even�horrors!�an "anti-Semite," a tactic which is today the favorite way the moneyed Jews are able to shutter all reasonable opposition.

Will Rothschild�s Goldman Sachs succeed in its goals of re-inventing the planet and molding its people into cookie-cutter components of its planned "Brave New World?" Seemingly, it will do so, and as a result the U.S. Constitution and all our cherished rights and liberties�not to mention our meager finances and individually owned property rights�will evaporate, swallowed up by the Beast.

But Wait...What Does God Say?

But, hold on just a minute. Not so fast. We best ask this core question: What does God�the real God in Heaven�have to say about all this?

Not surprisingly, I find that Bible prophecy provides a clear-cut picture and snapshot of what is ultimately going to happen. You see, sometime after all the diabolical schemes and nefarious plots have been worked out by Rothschild, Goldman Sachs, Barack Obama, and associates, God will have His way in the matter. Be assured, my friends, these evil soul destroyers and criminal recidivists will get their just due, and the overcomers�the people of God�will be vindicated and avenged. God�s prophetic Word shall come to pass:

"Go to now (listen), ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.

Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.

Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days."

James 5:1-3

Power of Prophecy


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